– CATIA Fundamental
This course is intended to give users an exposure to CATIA Surface Design, to explore and brush-up skills in Generative Shape Design (GSD) and to do analysis by using Surface Analysis Tools for high standard output.
The course includes tutorials (trainee will be guided by instructor and exercises (self-training) and comprehensive design project that enables participant to practice new skills by creating surface and design and surface analysis.
After completing the course, participant will be well prepared to work effectively on product design projects and more proficient in using CATIA software.
Course Features
- Lectures 1
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 5 days
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Assessments Yes
Class Detail
✔Advanced Surface Design
Managing Features and Geometrical Sets
✔Inserting a Geometrical Set
✔Removing a Geometrical Set
✔Sorting the Contents of a Geometrical Set
✔Reordering Elements in a Geometrical Set
✔Moving Elements in Specification Tree
✔Duplicating Geometrical Sets and Ordered Geometrical Sets
✔Hiding/Showing Geometrical Sets or Ordered Geometrical Sets and Their Contents
Creating Advance Wireframes Features
✔Creating Extremum Elements
✔Creating Polar Extremum Element
✔Creating Combined Curves
✔Creating Reflect Lines
✔Creating Parallel Curves
✔Creating a 3D Curve Offset
✔Creating Conic Curves
✔Creating Spirals
✔Creating a Spine
✔Creating Isoparametric Curve
✔Creating Curve from it Equation
✔Creating a Parameterized Curve
Creating Advance Swept and Blend Surface
✔Creating Swept Surface
✔Creating Adaptive Swept Surface
✔Creating Blended Surfaces
Creating Fillets on Surface
✔Creating Shape Fillets
✔Creating Edge Fillets
✔Creating Variable Radius Fillets
✔Creating Chordal Fillet
✔Creating Face-Face Fillets
✔Creating Tri-tangent Fillet
Wireframe and Surface Analysis and Repair
✔Connect Checker Analysis
✔Surface Curvature Analysis
✔Smoothing Curves
Checking Surface Moldability
Draft Analysis